SBCODE Tutorials



In this course you will install and extensively configure Zabbix Server, Zabbix Proxy, multiple Zabbix Agents on Windows, Linux and MacOS whether on the same network, or behind a firewall, on dedicated hardware or locally or cloud hosted VMs.

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At the end of the course, you will have your own dedicated working Grafana Server, which will be in the cloud, with SSL, a domain name, with many example Data Sources and collectors configured, that you can call your own, ready for you to take it to the next level.

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At the end of the course, you will have a basic Prometheus setup, which will be in the cloud, behind a reverse proxy, with SSL, a domain name, Basic Authentication, with several custom recording rules, several alerting rules, several node exporters local and external.

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React Three Fiber

React Three Fiber

In this course we will learn all about Three.js and write it using React Three Fiber.

React Three Fiber is a React renderer for Threejs. It allows us to build dynamic scene graphs declaratively with re-usable components that react to state changes. It makes linking Three.js with the ever increasing React ecosytem much easier.

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Three.js in TypeScript

Three.js in TypeScript

In this course we will learn all about Three.js, write it in TypeScript, and also write a HTML client and server component using NodeJS.

TypeScript introduces type safety in our code which makes it much more robust and gives the IDE extra tools such as intellisense that we can use to help us find and understand the available Threejs properties and methods and code much faster.

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Three.js Shading Language

Three.js Shading Language

In this course we will learn all about using the Three.js Shading Language with Signed Distance Fields.

You can draw anything with Signed Distance Fields, and TSL makes that more accessible for developers, especially those without deep knowledge of low-level GLSL, WGSL or graphics programming.

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Socket.IO in TypeScript

Socket.IO in TypeScript

In this course you will learn about how to use Socket.IO in order to create multiplayer real-time interactive content that runs in the browser and on the web.

We will learn all about initiating websocket communications from both the client and server perspectives.

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Python Design Patterns

Python Design Patterns

This course is about common GOF (Gang of Four) Design Patterns implemented in Python.

Design Pattern is a description or template that can be repeatedly applied to a commonly recurring problem in software design.You will find a familiarity with Design Patterns very useful when planning, discussing, developing, managing and documenting your applications from now on and into the future.

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TypeScript Design Patterns

TypeScript Design Patterns

This course is about common GOF (Gang of Four) Design Patterns implemented in TypeScript.

Design Pattern is a description or template that can be repeatedly applied to a commonly recurring problem in software design.You will find a familiarity with Design Patterns very useful when planning, discussing, developing, managing and documenting your applications from now on and into the future.

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Sweet Home 3D

Sweet Home 3D

Are you thinking of redesigning your house, and you want to try out ideas before you approach a builder, or an architect to recreate what's in your imagination or to carry out the work?

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Blender 3D Topographical Earth

Blender 3D Topographical Earth

At the end of the course, you would have learned how to convert a minimal 4 vertices 3d object, all the way up to an object with millions of vertices, faces and textures, gradually applying modifiers along the way, until you produce a high quality 3d topological model of the earth.

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TypeScript for Absolute Beginners

TypeScript for Absolute Beginners

This is a quick and FREE introductory course on the absolute basics of TypeScript that are applicable to ALL TypeScript Projects and suitable if you have never done TypeScript before.

In this absolute beginners course I will concentrate on just the most common basics of TypeScript that are applicable to every TypeScript project that you will create or continue from now and into the future.

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SBCODE Tutorials

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