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useTrimesh & Contact Materials


To create a hoop shape that we can throw balls at, the useTrimesh is the best option. It allows inward-facing faces.

Working Example


Do use it sparingly though since it is very CPU intensive to continually calculate real time physics against.

function TorusKnot({ args, ...props }) {
  const geometry = useMemo(() => new TorusGeometry(...args), [args])
  const [ref] = useTrimesh(() => ({
    args: [geometry.attributes.position.array, geometry.index.array],
    material: 'ring',

  return (
    <mesh ref={ref} castShadow>
      <torusGeometry args={args} />
      <meshStandardMaterial />

In order to give the appearance that the balls are bouncing of the ring, useContactMaterial was used to create a relationship between materials named as ring and bouncy.

For collisions involving those materials, a restitution of 0.45 is used.

useContactMaterial('ring', 'bouncy', {
    restitution: 0.45

function TorusKnot({ args, ...props }) {
    const [ref] = useTrimesh(() => ({
        material: 'ring',


function InstancedSpheres() {
    const [ref, { at }] = useSphere(() => ({
        material: 'bouncy'

This example also demonstrates creating many spheres using instancedMesh functionality.

GitHub Branch

git clone
cd React-Three-Fiber-Boilerplate
git checkout trimeshContact
npm install
npm start
