Ok, so at this point, we have covered the basics of many concepts which together should act as a good grounding for you to continue to build more complicated TSL and/or SDF applications.
This course won't cover every single aspect that you can achieve using the Threejs Shading Language or Signed Distance Fields.
Both areas of knowledge are enormous and cover many specialized disciplines. But, you know now where to start when you have a new idea that you want to work on.
If you are developing a project and are stuck with some issue you cannot solve, I recommend asking your question on the Threejs Forum at
I read it every day and sometimes answer questions if nobody else beats me to it.
When asking a question, it is useful to provide a screen grab and/or a working example demonstrating the problem.
You can use to edit and generate a share link for any of the working examples on this website. Press the <> button at the bottom right of any working example to open the editor, make your edits, and then share.