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Introduction - How To Do This Course

Video Lecture

Introduction - How To Do This Course Introduction - How To Do This Course


The course is in 5 main sections,

  1. Set up the Development Environment

  2. Create a Socket.IO boilerplate project - This section is optional, but advisable. This will give you a very good understanding of the aspects involved in creating a brand-new Socket.IO application from scratch.

  3. Install Socket.IO Course Boilerplate - This section is also optional, but is useful in case you by-passed section 2, or you have finished the course, and you want a familiar template project that you can start from.

  4. Learn all about the many aspects of Socket.IO from the core up to using it in more advanced examples and involving other third party libraries.

  5. Deploying to Production - We will look at several options that you have for hosting your own Socket.IO projects on the internet.