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Install Grafana

Video Lecture

Install Grafana Install Grafana


I set up a new minimum spec Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server for the purpose of demonstrating install Grafana.

You can get cheap servers from Digital Ocean and Hetzner

Once you have connected to your new server, make sure your package lists are updated.

sudo apt update

Then ensure that the dependencies for Grafana are installed.

sudo apt-get install -y adduser libfontconfig1

Now to download the binary, and run the Debian package manager.

sudo dpkg -i grafana_9.3.2_amd64.deb


Grafana is updated very regularly. To see the list of release version numbers available to download, visit

The install has now completed. You can now start the Grafana service

sudo service grafana-server start

Check the status

sudo service grafana-server status


If you reboot your server, the Grafana Service may not restart automatically.

You can set the Grafana service to auto restart after reboot by entering,

sudo systemctl enable grafana-server.service

Your Grafana server will be hosted at

http://[your Grafana server IP]:3000

The default Grafana login is

Username : admin Password : admin

You have the option to update your password upon first login and then be presented with the option to add a new data source and create dashboards and users.

Prometheus 2.31 and Ubuntu 22.04 Notes

There are no considerable differences to be aware of as shown and discussed in the video in case you decide to install Prometheus 2.31.2 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

The video shows installing Grafana 7.2.0, I have updated the commands above to install Grafana 9.3.2.
