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Setup Prometheus Dashboards

Video Lecture

Setup Prometheus Dashboards Setup Prometheus Dashboards


Let's enable some default Dashboards provided with the Prometheus Data Source, and download one from the community specifically for the node exporters.

Prometheus 2.31 and Ubuntu 22.04 Notes

There are no considerable differences to be aware of as shown and discussed in the video in case you decide to install Prometheus 2.31.2 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

However, if using Grafana 9.#.#, then the link to the Grafana plugins page is no longer shown at the top of the Grafana UIConfigurationPlugins page as shown in the video.

You can visit the correct Grafana URL directly here

The Grafana dashboard search website has changed significantly since creating this video.

The dashboard referenced in this video has ID 11074 and different language versions can be found at the below links.

English Version:

Chinese Version:

In the Grafana UI, go to the Dashboard icon, and to the right of the page, there is a new dropdown with the option to import.

Press the import option and enter 11074 for the English version of the dashboard, or 8919 for the Chinese version.
