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Zabbix Agent Auto Registration

Video Lecture

Zabbix Agent Auto Registration Zabbix Agent Auto Registration


I demonstrate auto registration of Zabbix Agents. My Zabbix agents are on a combination of networks and mixture of Linux and Windows.

When an agent starts up, it will make a request to the Zabbix server using the address of the serverActive parameter and commence collecting values for any items it receives back of type zabbix agent active.

We can make use of this behaviour to auto register the host at Zabbix server side in case no record of it already existed. This saves some time of you have many hosts that you want to add to the Zabbix server.

When the agent makes a request, we can configure several actions to run on the Zabbix server. In this example, I will read the value from the HostMetadata parameter in the Zabbix agents configuration file, and decide to either auto set it up as a Linux Host and assign a Linux template, or set it up as a Windows host and assign a Windows template.
