Dashboard Variables
Video Lecture
In the next few lessons, we will look at how to create and use dashboard variables.
We will create the variables using the Data sources set up in all the previous lessons.
Example Variables
Name | Type | DataSource | Value/Query |
interval |
Interval | 1m,10m,30m,1h,6h,12h,1d,7d,14d,30d |
custom |
Custom | abc, def, ghi, jkl |
dataSource |
Datasource | Elasticsearch | |
userName |
Query | MySQL | SELECT username AS metric FROM exampledb.simple_table ORDER BY id |
name |
Query | Loki | label_names() |
host |
Query | Loki | label_values(host) |
job |
Query | Loki | label_values(job) |
promNames |
Query | Prometheus | label_names() |
promJob |
Query | Prometheus | label_values(job) |
promHost |
Query | Prometheus | label_values(node_uname_info{job="$promJob"}, nodename) |
source |
Query | InfluxDB | from(bucket: "telegraf") |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "snmp") |> group(columns: ["_field"]) |> distinct(column: "source") |
interface |
Query | InfluxDB | from(bucket: "telegraf") |> range(start: -1m) |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "interface") |> filter(fn: (r) => r["source"] == "${source}") |> group(columns: ["_field"]) |> distinct(column: "ifDescr") |
zabbixHost |
Query | Zabbix | Query Type Host , Group /.*/ , Host /.*/ |
unit |
Query | Elasticsearch-Metricbeat | {"find": "terms", "field": "systemd.unit"} |